Monday, March 30, 2015

CodeCanyon – Scripts Pack (50+)

Support Desk Script: A simple script that can be easily integrated to your website to allow your members to leave support tickets to ask you for help.

Classifieds Script: Open your own classifieds site.

URL Submitter Script: Have your own search engine submission service.

Viral Marketing: Offer free advertising to members for members who join in a down line (member joins and they see their sponsors ads, they post their ads and the person they refer sees their ads, etc…).

WhatsMyIp Clone: Start your own IP checker service.

Storefront: Online web-store script. Open your own online shop!

Affiliate Click-it: Paid to Promote script. Run your own PTP site.

Scrambled Words: Game site. Site gives visitors a scrambled word and the visitor tries to figure out what the word is.

HYIP Monitor Script: Run a HYIP Monitoring site.

Pixel Site Script: Sell blocks for online advertising to visitors.

Paid Autosurf Script: Run your own auto-traffic exchange!

Popup Exchange: Like a link exchange only with popups.

PHP Minisite: Got an idea for a new ebook to sell or some product or money making idea? This script allows people to buy what you are selling and built in affiliate system so they can promote and make money for themselves and for you!

Forced Matrix Script: Self Explanatory. Comes with a basic red default design.

Recipe Site: Sell recipes.

Glitter Text Site: Open your own glitter text maker site. Like those onces for Myspace Graphics sort of deal.

GuestBook Script: Simple guestbook script.

Daily Horoscope Script: Run your own horoscope site. Comes with pre-filled predictions based on what your astrological sign does to you in certain months of

the year.

Bookmark Script Code: Just copy and paste this into your website to allow bookmark links to all the major social networking sites (facebook, twiiter, myspace, etc).

Randomizer Script: Run your own randomizer site.

Banner Exchange Site Script: Open your own banner exchange.

URL Rotator Script: Site that allows members to rotate unlimited websites. Has free and pro memberships you can sell + banner advertising.

Free Ad Board Site Script: Run a place for members to post free text ads. Advanced OTO setup, banner sales, pro upgrade, and more goodies!

Game Room Script: Own a full on game room script pre-filled with fun games! Stick your Adhitz or advertising code on the site to earn money from clicks. Just to warn you though, this script in particular is a LARGE A** FILE. Takes about 30minutes to download because of all the games included.

Affiliate Masker: Basic software that masks your affiliate links. Comes with sales page!

Alexa Ranker Pro: In order to get seen in search engines, you have to have a good Alexa ranking. This software (which is run from your browser) basically

spits proxy IP’s at your site. Your page views wont go up for those “fake hits” but your Alexa ranking will! Alexa cannot tell the difference between the real and fake traffic so if you type in your URL into the script, run it all the way through every day, you will notice your Alexa ranking go up over the course of the month. A better traffic ranking means search engines will put you closer to the #1 spot in search results. Sounds crazy but it does work! Comes with sales page!

Adsense sites: 39 pre-written and designed html pages you just edit in your Google Adsense code and upload it to your site, then advertise. Comes with sales page for reselling them all.

Click Counter: Copy and paste this on your site. Instant click counter for your site!

Drop Down Maker: No idea how to make drop down tables for visitors choices, this does it for you.

Payment Processor Script: Yes, you read that right. Want to start your own payment processing service? Here you go. Also has interconnecting links to other payment processors (like PayPal) that you can transfer funds into YOUR payment processor and vice versa. Fed up with PayPal? Build your own.

ProfitPullingEbooks: Basically this is an instant ebook sales business.I wont tell you the secret it gives on how to make money so I will let you find out . Comes with a bunch of ebooks of any and all topics. Sometime today I will go in and count how many .

PetRatePro: Like “hotOrNot” only with pets! Members post their pet pics and vote! Contains preset PayPal donation button on the homepage (this is a donation run free website, or at least that is how its set up.)

Instant Site Maker: Make your own Clickbank sales site…instantly.

HTML Editer: Got issues with Dreamweaver? Or don’t know how to use it? This software gives you a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) website design system. In other words it shows you how your site will look published online, while you are building it.

Encryption Service Site: Fed up with your payment buttons getting bypassed and hacked and stuff stolen? This does 2 things. It gives you an encryption tool to encrypt files and payment buttons, and also gives an instant business selling a file encryption service. Comes with sales page.

FFA Link Page: Start an FFA listing site!

Paid Forum Script: Run a forum that pays members a specified amount per post!

Game Cheats Site: Run your own video game cheats (hints) site!

Joke Site Script: Site that has/generates jokes. Post your Google or Adhitz code to make money from clicks.

Living Local: Real estate listing site.

Apartment Search: Classifieds for apartments.

Dating site script: Self explanatory .

Favacon Maker: Make favacon images for your site!

Search Engine Script: Run your own search engine site!!!

Hot Or Not Site replica: Open a “hot or not” site.

Link Trader: Link exchange site.

Million Sign Maker: Make signature signs, website signs, all sorts of signs.

Rate Ranker: Rate websites.

SEO Scripts: Search Engine Optimized site setups so your site is more findable in search engines!

Sale page : N/A

Sale Price : N/A


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Vibrant Host – Version 5.0 WHMCS 5.x Template


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47 Ready Made ClickBank Websites with MRR

Dear Affiliate Marketer,

If you have been looking for a way to increase your affiliate sales and bank more cash, this is it!

Each of these 47 money-making sites are pre-loaded with articles related to their niche and are fully optimized for Adsense, Clickbank & Amazon products.

What’s more you can quickly and easily make a change to or add your own unique articles through the simple to use, and feature packed admin panel.

47 PRE-MADE WEBSITES:  All the hard work has been done for you. The hottest niches have been chosen and researched, the websites have been built! You simply download the complete website kits after purchasing and upload them to your server. You get all the graphics, templates, content and admin control panel.SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED:  This means the Meta Description, Meta Keywords & Page Title all contain site/niche specific keywords that help search engine rank and trigger the strategically positioned Adsense ads.

NICHE SPECIFIC:  Each article is site/niche specific – In other words, they will trigger even more specific Adsense ads, but will keep your site visitor glued to the page right up to the point where they buy one of the Clickbank products presented to them.

MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS:  There’s a banner and 2 product images on each page linked to your Clickbank ID. Your Amazon ads will be triggered using site/niche specific keywords and phrases.

YOU HAVE COMPLETE CONTROL:  Everything can be quickly updated or modified from inside the easy to use Admin page included with each individual site.

NO MYSQL DATABASE REQUIRED:  You don’t need to create and manage a MySQL databse. Simply upload the files and login to the admin panel to configure! (runs on simple PHP scripts)

INSTRUCTION MANUAL You’ll get a complete guidebook for setting up your sites, as well as how to easily create your own UNIQUE sites using our easy-to-follow directions.

ALSOyou can change, add to or replace the supplied articles with your own! You have full control of the articles via the easy to use admin panel.


Sale page :

Sale price : $297

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CodeCanyon – ShareIt 2.0 – File Sharing Script


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Mobile Edition v1.4.0 Addons for WHMCS 5.2.x

The mobile edition of WHMCS is designed specifically for use on mobile devices featuring low graphics and optimised pages for small screens. It’s not a replacement for the admin area but it has all the features necessary to manage and respond to support tickets and to manage and accept new orders.


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Jetserver Monitoring Addon – Plugin

Jetserver Monitoring will help you easily monitor all of your servers from within WHMCS.
The monitoring page (Widget is included!) will keep you updated on your servers status !
Something goes wrong? You can reboot the server from your WHMCS admin page !
You are not in? Our reaction system will reboot the server for you !


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WHMCS v5.1.0 R3 beta Plus WHMCS Licencing Add-on v3.0

Hands Free Automation
WHMCS is all about automation. Automatic Provisioning, Domain Management, Welcome Emails, Billing, Reminders & More!

Domain Management
With WHMCS clients can buy, transfer, renew and manage domains in real-time without ever leaving your website. Fully transparent, automated & powerful domain tools.

Multi-Currency Billing
When you sell online, you aren’t limited to just 1 country, so maximise your signups by selling in 2 or more currencies and with a client area available in 10 different languages.

Credits System allows your clients to deposit funds to prefund their accounts with you, and automatically keeps track of and applies any overpayments to future invoices.

Automated Reminders can be setup to notify your clients about unpaid invoices and overdue balances and warn about service suspension.

Late Fees rules can be setup to automatically apply extra fees to invoices if clients don’t pay their invoices on time.

Integrated Support Tools
Built-in Support Tools including Announcements, Knowledgebase & a Fully Feature Support Ticket System make it easy to keep track of enquiries and keep customers updated.

Support Ticket Billing lets you bill your clients for time or work arranged in tickets automatically when replying to a ticket without needing to perform a separate process.

Fully Customizable
Everything your clients see is controlled by templates, which make things very easy to customise. And for more advanced developers, there’s modular support, hooks & an API.


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